28 January 2013

Despite Evidence to the Contrary...

I believe true love can save a life.

I believe that music can change everything.

I believe in romantic comedies.

I believe there is a certain magick in the night.

I believe socialism is not such a bad thing, in a limited fashion.

I believe the world becoming a "global village" isn't such a great thing.

I believe the sun will come up tomorrow.

I believe you only hurt the ones you love.

I believe movies, books and music have skewed my perception of love, life and reality. And not necessarily for the better.

I believe reality is subjective and nothing more than a matter of belief.

I believe in altered states of consciousness.

I believe electronic dance music could have done so much more than just provide the soundtrack for car and shaving cream commercials.

I believe Jersey Shore was the beginning of the end of America.

I believe there is untold amounts of wisdom in Lewis Carroll's Alice stories.

I believe it's time for something new.

I believe the old ways are the best ways.

I believe that timing is everything.

I believe in proper grammar.

I believe the grass is greener.

I believe everything really does sound more profound when it's in Latin.

I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

I believe youth is wasted on the young.

I believe that our story is not over, and that we still have a faerie tale to make together.

I believe that I want to believe.

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